Labor Report and Assignment Completion

The Complete/Close window typically includes an area used to update the Labor Report. The Labor Report is used to describe progress with the work order, problems encountered, and problems solved. This is a free form text area in which up to 6,000 characters can be added. If previous content has been entered into the Labor Report, it is displayed in a separate section.

The Labor Report may be populated with the current date and your initials by default. Alternatively, this information may get added to the Labor Report after it is saved.

ClosedAdd Information to Labor Report

  1. Click in the Labor Report field.

    The text box will be highlighted in yellow, indicating that it can be edited.

  2. To add predefined default values into the Labor Report:

    1. Click Add.

      Predefined quick add options will be displayed.

    2. Select an option from the menu.

      The option is added to the Labor Report. This can be repeated if multiple quick add options are desired.

  3. Type any additional desired information in the area provided.

    The Enter key on your keyboard can be used to enter lines to separate notes entered.

ClosedLabor Report Control for Groups

If you are operating on a group of records, a control will appear below the labor report to indicate whether or not the comments added should overwrite existing labor reports or be appended to them.

Click the appropriate option button to indicate how the comments you enter should be handled:

  • Append: Click Append if you want the comments you enter added to the labor reports of each work order.

  • Overwrite: Click Overwrite if you want the comments you enter to overwrite the existing comments in each work order.

  • Do Nothing: The Do Nothing option allows you to apply Labor Report content only to work orders in the group without current contents in their Labor Report. If the work order already has a Labor Report, the system will do nothing and not replace the contents. If the work order does not have any content in its labor report, the contents entered in the window are added.